To schedule individual consultations and group presentations, classes and workshops for managing the stress of nursing, contact Dr Patterson at
Nursing Shortage Fact Sheet
American Association of Colleges of Nursing
What is Nurse Burnout? How to prevent it?
American Nurses Association
Occupational Stress and the Threat to Worker Health
“If you wanted to create the optimum environment for the manufacture of stress, many of the factors you would include would be clearly recognized by nursing staff as events which they encounter in their daily routine. These include an enclosed atmosphere, time pressures, excessive noise or undue quiet, sudden swings from intense to mundane tasks, no second chance, unpleasant sights and sounds, and standing for long hours.”
- What is job stress?
- What causes job stress?
- Major Sources of Stress for Nurses
- Facts and Figures on Job Stress
- Stress Management
- What nurses can do
- What health care organizations can do
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