Mind Body Studio Argentine Tango schedule
“Dance of the Heart”
Creative and playful improvisation that anyone can learn – guided by heartfelt tango music.
A welcoming, local, and worldwide community, inclusive of different personal styles, body types and gender roles.
If you can walk, hug and pay attention, you can dance Argentine tango.
You can find a lovely truthful presentation of social Argentine tango in this video
Argentine tango foundations
Introductory lessons for those brand new or less than one year of tango experience
Fridays 8 – 9 pm (small studio)
Cost: $10 drop-in (and your first lesson is FREE!)
Registration is not required, but we appreciate you filling out this Interest Form to assist you better.
Mind Body Studio Argentine tango schedule
Weekly tango practicas in January, February and March
Weekly tango practicas in January, February and March
will be on Fridays 8 – 10 pm – Jan 31, Feb 7, 14, 21, 28 and March 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th
NEW: “Tango bites” – 10 minute mini lesson at 9 pm at every practica.
Cost: $25 per month or $8 drop-in single class
Nataliya and Vladimir, Remi and Matt volunteer to be your hosts and DJs, all proceeds go to support Mind Body Studio.
Milonga (tango party)
1st Saturday each month – February 1st, March 1st
We warmly welcome local dancers and out-of-town guests
8 – 11 pm, $15 cover
Potluck, BYOB
****** Private and semi-private lessons available at other times (atango.mindbody.lex@gmail.com)